Gandhi Jayanti Honoring the Father of the Nation

Gandhi Jayanti Swachchhanjali: Honoring the Father of the Nation through Cleanliness Gandhi Jayanti Swachchhanjali is a poignant and meaningful observance that pays tribute to the enduring legacy of Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation, on his birth anniversary, which falls on October 2nd each year. This commemoration is a powerful reminder of Gandhi's unwavering … Continue reading Gandhi Jayanti Honoring the Father of the Nation

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Rajyabhishek Eco-Friednly Model

Discover the regal essence of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Rajyabhishek through the exquisite model crafted by the talented artist, JitooJadhav. This masterpiece captures the historic moment of the coronation of the legendary Maratha warrior king using eco-friendly materials such as cardboard, hardboard, and wooden blocks.

Chandrayaan 2 Model For Schools

Chandrayaan 2 Model For School Projects & Ganpati Decoration, made with Old Newspapers, Cardboards, Aluminium Pipes, Metal Roads, Color Paper, Cotton Cloth, Cotton Rope & Wooden Sticks by JitooJadhav in Ganpati Festival

Bridal Jewellery Drawing

Beautiful Bridal Jewelry & Costume Drawing

Bridal Jewelry Drawing & Bridal Costume Drawing Bridal Jewelry Drawing & Bridal Costume Drawing with pencil, marker pen, drawing pen, water color & brush pen on paper. Bridal Jewelry Drawing Photo Gallery YouTube Video

Narendra Modi Tea Painting JitooJadhav

Narendra Modi’s Tea Painting by JitooJadhav

Narendra Modi's Tea Painting by JitooJadhav


Eco Friendly Shivaji Maharaj Fort, Diwali Fort

पर्यावरण अनुकूल वस्तुएं, पुराने कागजी पैकेजिंग बॉक्स, पुराने अखबार, घास, मिट्टी, रद्दी कागज और पानी मिश्रित सादे रंगोंसे निर्मित और पर्यावरण हितको ध्यानमें रखते हुए बनाया है यह किला।

Vasant Panchami

Vasant Panchami is a festival that marks the arrival of spring Celebrated by people in various ways depending on the region in India. Photo Gallery વસંતનો વૈભવ કવિઓ, કલાકારો અને ચિત્રકારોને કલ્પનાના રંગે રંગી દે છે. વસંતઋતુ એટલે સૃષ્ટિનું યૌવન. વસંતઋતુની પગલી પડે એટલે યૌવન પાંગરે. સમગ્ર સૃષ્ટિમાં ચેતના અને પ્રસન્નતાનું વાતાવરણ સર્જાઈ જાય. વન … Continue reading Vasant Panchami

Pencil Sketch 01

पेन्सिलसे बनाया गया यह रेखाचित्र मैंने आजसे 16 साल पहेले सन 2006 में बनाया था। फुरसतके समयमें कहीं कोई अखबार या पुस्तकमें अच्छी तसवीर दिख जाए तो स्केच करनेसे खुदको रोक पाना मुश्किल हो जाता है। Photo Gallery यह स्केचभी मैंने ऐसे ही किसी अखबार के पन्ने पर एक महिलाकी छबीको देखकर बनाया था। इस … Continue reading Pencil Sketch 01

World Photography Day

World Photography Day. 19th August is observed as a World Photography Day. The idea behind this day is to bring together photographers around the world, to create meaningful and positive changes in the communities through the power of photography. Photo Gallery